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CBSE Class 10 English Question Paper With Answer Key 2023

CBSE Class 10 English Question Paper With Answer Key 2023 Check Now here

CBSE Board Class 10 English Answer Key 2023: The CBSE Board Class 10 candidates wrote their first major paper on 27 February, 2023. The Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE conducted the CBSE Class 10 English Board Exam at various exam centres across the country. Millions of candidates appeared for the exam that was held from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Now, when the exam is over, candidates must be following the age old practice of discussing the paper and figuring out their expected marks. They must be looking for correct answers to be sure of what they had written in exam. CBSE will release the answer key after the Board Exams for all subjects get concluded. Till then, candidates can refer to the unofficial answer key provided here for CBSE Class 10 English Exam 2023. This answer key is put together by the expert faculty to help students get out of the bewildering situation. So, you can check here the correct answers and make an idea of your class 10 English exam score.

CBSE Board Class 10 English Paper Answer Key 2023 (Set – 1)

Question-1 Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions below:

(i)To go out for a walking tour

(a)To stroll

(b) to ramble

(c) to hike

(d) to saunter

Answer: (c) to hike  

(ii)Why does the writer say that the mind is at ease when you hike?

(a)because hiking is an inexpensive activity.

(b) because it brings families together.

(c) because of intolerable noise of traffic.

(d) because the depressing daily routine is forgotten.

Answer: (d) because the depressing daily routine is forgotten. 

(iii)Complete the following with a phrase

The various sounds of nature acquire …………..

Answer: a new meaning and significance to us.

(iv) Infer one reason for the following based on information in paragraph 2.

A contact is established between us and nature.

Answer: Due to the sight of waterfalls, flowers, streams, trees and bushes along with the various sounds of nature, a contact is established between us and nature.

(v) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word from paragraph 2.


Answer: flower

(vi) Give one reason why it is a pleasure to hike in the mountains than in the plains.

(a) because observation is sharpened.

(b) because of the excitement of climbing up and adventure of coming down.

(c) because it is leisure to stand, to walk.

(d) because there are no worries.

Answer: (b) because of the excitement of climbing up and adventure of coming down.

(vii) Hiking gives the brain, the rest it needs because

(a) it is a short time activity.

(b) it is one of the healthiest sports.

(c) it makes us sleep peacefully.

(d) it is an escape from our busy schedule.

Answer: (d )It is an escape from our busy schedule.

Question-2 Based on your understanding of the extract, answer the questions below:

(i) Infer one reason for the following, based on the information in paragraph 1.

Areas in and around Leh began to experience water shortage but life didn’t grind to a halt.

Answer: Because a retired civil engineer in the Jammu & Kashmir government came up with the idea of artificial glaciers.

(ii) Select from the passage the appropriate option to fill in the blanks:

Agriculture is completely dependent on ___ unlike the rest of river/monsoon-fed India.

(a) Rainfall pattern

(b) Climate change

(c) Glaciers melt

(d) Extreme winter conditions

Answer:  (c) Glaciers Melt

(iii) Complete the following analogy correctly with a word/phrase from paragraph 3:

Icing : Cake :: Layers : ___

Answer: Glaciers

(iv) Select the correct option to complete the following sentence:

At the start of winter, the diverted water is made to flow ___

(a) On sloping hills facing distribution channels.

(b) On high altitude

(c) On ice-cold water level

(d) On mountain range

Answer: (a) On sloping hills facing distribution channels.

(v) From the chart select the months of water surplus.

(a) January, February

(b) November, December

(c) July, August, September

(d) March, April

Answer: (c) July, August, September


Question 3 – Attempt any ten of the following questions:

(i) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option:

The mud houses are not ……….the buildings in your city.

(a) comparable to

(c) comparable as

(b) comparable of

(d) comparable for​

Answer: (a) comparable to

(ii) Read the conversation between a policeman and a driver. Complete the sentence by reporting the reply correctly.

Policeman: Why did you park your car here?

Don’t you see a ‘no parking area.’

Driver: Sorry Sir! The engine broke down.

The policeman asked the driver why he had parked the car there and if he didn’t see it was a ‘no parking area.’ The driver felt sorry and explained………

Answer: that the engine had broken down.

(iii) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given sentence:

Where were you? You ……… in the class at the right time.

(a) shall

(b) should

(c) will

(d) would

Answer: (b) should

(iv) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following sentence:

More of the fun and excitement in our lives comes from using our imagination.

Option Error Correction
(a) More Most
(b) Our The
(c) From Of
(d) Using Use

Answer:  (a)

Error Correction
More Most

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